Archive | December 2016

Bedford Memorial Tree Shines Brightly


For nearly 70 years, Bedford has had a fir tree dedicated as a living memorial to our community’s men and women who have served in the armed forces.  And, thanks to volunteers of the Bedford Garden Club John Herper and Donna Guibord, it is traditionally trimmed with clear lights and shining brightly for the holiday season in December through the first week of January.  The Town Memorial Tree is located in front of the Bedford Presbyterian Church at the intersection of Bedford Center Road and Church Road for all passersby to enjoy.

While the first memorial tree was planted at the suggestion of Mrs. Harry Blood, President of the Bedford Garden Club (1937-38), it wasn’t until 1947 that a fir tree was dedicated as a living memorial to those serving in the armed forces. As one of the Garden Club’s community gardens, the memorial tree (and its many replacements) has been conscientiously cared for over the years, first in the front of the Town Hall, then in front of the library, and currently in front of the Bedford Presbyterian Church. Since 2005, John Herper has steadfastly cared for the fir tree at this location.

Garden Club members John Herper, President Jeanne Popielarz, and Donna Guibord gather in front of the memorial tree that honors those serving in the armed forces

Garden Club members John Herper, President Jeanne Popielarz, and Donna Guibord gather in front of the memorial tree that honors those serving in the armed forces